How Can We Help You?
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Schedule One-on-One Support
Our team is always willing to help you no matter how big or small the issue. Schedule time with a specialist to diagnose and solve your problem.
What to Know Before You Schedule
Schedule a time with a Dose Specialist for non-urgent support.
Radiation Dose specialists are able to help with Dose and Planning cases, as well as troubleshoot issues. These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on the topic:
- Dose Accumulation (45 min–1 hr)
- BED Calculation (45 min)
- DVH Viewer (15–30 min)
- Dose Sidebar and Tools (15–30 min)
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Training Videos — Includes walkthroughs for the dose sidebar, dose accumulation, and dose volume histograms
- View Doses — Includes setup steps, display options, and how to work with multiple doses
- Calculate Biological Effective Dose — Includes steps and calculation information
Schedule a time with a Contour ProtégéAI+ Specialist for non-urgent support.
You can also request an upgrade for Contour ProtégéAI+.
Contour ProtégéAI+ Specialists are here to help with customizations and auto-contour processing. These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on the topic:
- MIM Assistant® Rule Configuration (15–30 min)
Resolve issues or update which data sets are being processed and the destinations where the processed data is being saved. - Data Mirroring between MIMcloud® and Your MIMpacs™ Server (30 min)
Set up or troubleshoot synching between your cloud environment and MIMpacs server. - Workflow Customizations (30–45 min)
Get assistance with contour templating and post-processing steps, such as adding Boolean structures and body contours.
Note: Access to your MIM server and administrator credentials are required during the meeting.
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Contour ProtégéAI+ User Guide — Includes setup options and how to get the most out of automated contouring
- Training Videos — Watch how to run a case with automated contouring
Schedule a time with a IT Specialist for non-urgent support.
These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on your question:
- Installations and Upgrades
- New MIM Server Installations (1 hr)
- New MIM Client Installations (30 min)
- MIM Upgrades (30 min)
- Connect to Other Systems
- New DICOM Location Configuration (30 min)
- DICOM Location Connectivity Issues (1 hr)
- Manage Data
- MIM Assistant Rules: Create or Troubleshoot (30 min–1 hr)
- MIM Data Migration (30 min)
- MIMpacs Configuration Changes (30 min)
- LDAP/Active Directory Configuration and Troubleshooting (1 hr)
Note: Access to your MIM server and administrator credentials are required during the meeting.
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Troubleshoot Licensing — Includes licensing notifications that users might see when launching MIM
- Send and Receive Data with Third Parties — Includes how to connect to a PACS and troubleshoot if data is not being transferred as expected
- IT - Technical Frequently Asked Questions — Includes answers for the questions that we hear most from IT teams
Schedule a time with a Nuclear Medicine Workflow Specialist for non-urgent support.
Workflow Specialists are able to assist with troubleshooting issues and basic customizations. These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on your question:
- Import a Workflow (15 min)
- Adjust a Display or Hanging Protocol (15–30 min)
- Resolve an Issue Starting a Workflow or a Workflow Error (30 min–1 hr)
- Get Help with Workflow Building (15–60 min)
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Workflow Basics:
- Nuclear Medicine Workflows:
Schedule a time with a Radiation Oncology Workflow Specialist for non-urgent support.
If you would like a demo of the Treatment Evaluation, 4D CT - ITV Creation with Motion Analysis, or Universal Registration workflows, please connect with your MIM Site Development Manager.
Workflow Specialists are able to assist with troubleshooting issues and basic customizations. These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on your question:
- Hanging Protocol Adjustments (15–30 min)
- Import Manager Assistance (15 min)
- Workflow Is Not Starting (30 min–1 hr)
- Workflow Is Giving an Error (30 min–1 hr)
- Workflow Building Questions (15–60 min)
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Workflow Basics:
- Radiation Oncology Workflows:
Schedule a time with an Image Registration Specialist for non-urgent support.
Image Registration specialists are able to help with rigid and deformable registration cases, as well as troubleshoot issues. These include (but are not limited to) the following. Please schedule for the suggested time based on the topic:
- Rigid Registration (30–45 min)
- Deformable Registration (30 min–1 hr)
- Adjusting Spatial Links (30 min)
Please answer all questions in the scheduling form so we can best support you.
Before We Meet...
Review the resources in our Knowledge Center:
- Training Videos — Includes walkthroughs for rigid and deformable registrations and the tools used to assess and adjust alignments
- DIR QA Overview — Includes how the DIR QA™ tools in MIM can help qualitatively and quantitatively analyze data produced as a result of deformable registration
- DIR QA FAQs — Includes commonly asked questions about the patient-specific deformable image registration QA tools in MIM
- Adjust Links between Series Using the Link Manager — Includes how to view and edit spatial links between series
Nobody has better support than MIM.
Julie Walls
Jewish Hospital
You guys are so wonderful. I have been reading with MIM for 13 years. Everyone is always so helpful and attentive.
Steven A. Christie, MD
Christie & Christie, MD, PA
Your support and service are always top-notch!
Tony O’Rourke
UW Health University Hospital
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MIM Software Inc.
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1000 Brussel
+(320) 289-64910Beijing, China
MIM Software Beijing Co., Ltd.
Suite 809, Shouxiang Science Building
No. 51 Xueyuan Rd.
Haidian District, Beijing 100191
(861) 082-626960Fax:
(861) 082-627160